
This is a poem that I was inspired to pen about a year ago, after seeing the movie Awakening produced and directed by Mr&Mrs James Omokwe. I hope you guys like it. Enjoy:


The traditions of our ancestors long forgotten.

Norms of Cultures only reminisced in Tales of Yore.

Oh, how doth the discerning yearn for the renaissance of aeons past!

Alas, Pandora’s Box not to be opened, bellies our uniqueness; yet our bane! 


Etched into my skin is the Symbol of the Ancient Guardians.

Its semblance to that on the Ancient Manuscript is inimitable.

Entrusted in my care is a Box, Pandora-like in design.

This Box: a huge responsibility enforced on me, yet it I must open.


I have Visions; in them I see lives taken by their own hands.

What is this? Am I the Accursed One or do I bear the fate of a people?

Wait! I behold yet another one; another life gone with the wind.

My God! Why me? What a Vessel of Annihilation I have become!


Alas! The curse that imprisoned the evil messenger has been broken.

He that must not be named, now trudges across the plains.

His deadly mission he must accomplish, robotically.

The head of the royal blood line’s last heir; a trophy which he must claim.


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