--> I just came across this illuminating Write-up by Lanre Olusola. I can only say that it is a must read for anyone so Discerning:
Until you know yourself and your Personality Type, you will not be Truly Fulfilled, Satisfied and Firing on ALL Cylinders towards the SUCCESSFUL LIFE that you Deserve.
Over the years, professionals have changed their beliefs that a successful, fulfilling and satisfying career, business or life is one that 'only' matches a person's values, interests and skills. The problem over the years is that values, interests and skills - have not been the most important Success and Fulfillment Factors.

Globally people are required to make important career decisions too early in their lives. Students right from secondary school, have to decide whether or not they are cut out for Sciences or the Arts; whether they want to go to University. Once in the University, they are required to stick strictly to their Course and at this stage in life it's quite difficult(but not impossible) for them to change the trajectory of their lives.
The challenge is that at this stage in Life, without Professional help, people don't usually get a handle on who they are, what they want to do in life and what's really important to them, until much later in life. So, they graduate, get a job in "their professional field". They continue living their lives, with most of them getting married and raising families; most, eventually replace their values and compromise as they experience life in its entirety and as they continue to experience more of life, they gradually develop new interests and skills.

Before they blink twice, they are already in their Forties, with many dependents and responsibilities. Constantly worrying about how to survive, meet their needs and provide for their families. As they blink the third time they're already faced with the reality of retirement and the fear of expiration and not being able to fend for themselves in old age.
Many go through this cycle feeling Unfulfilled, Unsatisfied, Unhappy and Discontent. But because of the 'Rat Race' it's almost Impossible for them to Switch or Exit to Pursue their Purpose and Passion which Aligns with their Personality Type, Natural Gifts and Talent.
Everyone born of a woman falls under sixteen different Personality Types. Although each individual is unique, certain people fall under the same "type". Personality Type is not new. It's been around for over five decades. It has now been adopted and used daily by 85% of Fortune 100 Companies globally because they realize that this is critical to Staff Performance, Satisfaction and Fulfillment. They constantly ensure that they match staff careers with their values, interests, skills, personality type and personality styles.
This is Very Important for two reasons:
1). Unlike your values, skills and interests, which can change with time and environment; your Personality Type technically does not change, even though you may mature as you grow older. Your Core Needs, the way you think and perceive, your beliefs, natural gifts and talents plus motivations remain constant.
For example: a quiet, thoughtful 5yr old boy who loves reading Science Fiction and assembling model space ships, may one day grow up to be a very fulfilled and successful scientist. Likewise, an outgoing, persuasive 8yr old; who instead of throwing away his worn out sandals and school bags, but sells them while in school, may grow up to be a top business man.
2). Most of these Fortune 100 Companies have come to the realization that, when your job or role fits perfectly with your Personality Type and Personality Style; you are constantly Energized, Motivated and Empowered to Consistently Perform at your Peak. You are always looking forward to work and you no longer see work as a chore or job, but a fun place that permits you to BE and Express Yourself.
The opposite however, is true when your job or role does not fit your Personality Type and Personality Style. Work drains your energy, makes you prone to burnout and you're much less likely to be Fulfilled or even Successful. If you want to find Fulfillment in everything you do, or you're curious to know your Personality Type, Personality Style and more about yourself, look out for the Part 2 of this enlightening Piece.
Lanre Olusola is Nigeria's Foremost Peak Performance Catalyst and Life, Mind and Health Coach Lanre brings years of extensive study spanning the fields of Engineering, Performance Improvement Management, Theology, Science, Human Behavioural Psychology, Governance, Organizational Design, Business Transformations and MetaMedicine.
Until you know yourself and your Personality Type, you will not be Truly Fulfilled, Satisfied and Firing on ALL Cylinders towards the SUCCESSFUL LIFE that you Deserve.
Over the years, professionals have changed their beliefs that a successful, fulfilling and satisfying career, business or life is one that 'only' matches a person's values, interests and skills. The problem over the years is that values, interests and skills - have not been the most important Success and Fulfillment Factors.
Globally people are required to make important career decisions too early in their lives. Students right from secondary school, have to decide whether or not they are cut out for Sciences or the Arts; whether they want to go to University. Once in the University, they are required to stick strictly to their Course and at this stage in life it's quite difficult(but not impossible) for them to change the trajectory of their lives.
The challenge is that at this stage in Life, without Professional help, people don't usually get a handle on who they are, what they want to do in life and what's really important to them, until much later in life. So, they graduate, get a job in "their professional field". They continue living their lives, with most of them getting married and raising families; most, eventually replace their values and compromise as they experience life in its entirety and as they continue to experience more of life, they gradually develop new interests and skills.
Before they blink twice, they are already in their Forties, with many dependents and responsibilities. Constantly worrying about how to survive, meet their needs and provide for their families. As they blink the third time they're already faced with the reality of retirement and the fear of expiration and not being able to fend for themselves in old age.
Many go through this cycle feeling Unfulfilled, Unsatisfied, Unhappy and Discontent. But because of the 'Rat Race' it's almost Impossible for them to Switch or Exit to Pursue their Purpose and Passion which Aligns with their Personality Type, Natural Gifts and Talent.
Everyone born of a woman falls under sixteen different Personality Types. Although each individual is unique, certain people fall under the same "type". Personality Type is not new. It's been around for over five decades. It has now been adopted and used daily by 85% of Fortune 100 Companies globally because they realize that this is critical to Staff Performance, Satisfaction and Fulfillment. They constantly ensure that they match staff careers with their values, interests, skills, personality type and personality styles.
This is Very Important for two reasons:
1). Unlike your values, skills and interests, which can change with time and environment; your Personality Type technically does not change, even though you may mature as you grow older. Your Core Needs, the way you think and perceive, your beliefs, natural gifts and talents plus motivations remain constant.
For example: a quiet, thoughtful 5yr old boy who loves reading Science Fiction and assembling model space ships, may one day grow up to be a very fulfilled and successful scientist. Likewise, an outgoing, persuasive 8yr old; who instead of throwing away his worn out sandals and school bags, but sells them while in school, may grow up to be a top business man.
2). Most of these Fortune 100 Companies have come to the realization that, when your job or role fits perfectly with your Personality Type and Personality Style; you are constantly Energized, Motivated and Empowered to Consistently Perform at your Peak. You are always looking forward to work and you no longer see work as a chore or job, but a fun place that permits you to BE and Express Yourself.
The opposite however, is true when your job or role does not fit your Personality Type and Personality Style. Work drains your energy, makes you prone to burnout and you're much less likely to be Fulfilled or even Successful. If you want to find Fulfillment in everything you do, or you're curious to know your Personality Type, Personality Style and more about yourself, look out for the Part 2 of this enlightening Piece.
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