Naija, we have done enough talking already; it's time for action! Thank God for successful elections and inaugurations....Now, what Nigeria needs is a collective vision, a national ethos, the 'Nigerian
Vision': to dominate the world, through our arts/culture, manpower, productivity and infrastructural development. After all, God gave man the mandate to dominate the world; which only our caucasian and mongolian brethren seem to have obeyed. It's time for the 'awakening of the giant of Africa'!

If we can expunge from our consciousness, the desire to dominate the minority amongst us and rouse the desire to dominate the world in our consciousness, then vices like corruption, poor infrastructural development and its likes shall be gradually relegated to the backwaters of oblivion.

Do we think the western world is not more corrupt than us-Nigeria? Of course they are! But how come they've been able to dominate the world for so long? They've been able to...because they shoved aside internal differences in preference to a collective quest for world domination. Despite the multi-racial/multi-ethnic schism in the U.S of A, they still hold on to a national/collective vision - the 'American Dream'.
The U.S is still a world power today mainly because of it has continuously developed, fortified and burgeoned its military power into the formidable force it is today on the face of the planet -- we too can do it.

Furthermore, Great Britain's pound sterling remains the strongest currency in the world today, even when it's not as much a manufacturing and exporting economy as China, Japan and most tiger economies. This is attributed to its stable economy. The British have directly/indirectly ingrained in their consciousness, the notion that they are a peculiar people destined to dominate the world eg, via the
proliferation of the English language.... This rather collective egocentric consciousness -- matched with action -- must have affected their collective productivity in a uniquely positive way, hence
Britain's stable economy.

China has the highest manpower resource in the world for obvious reasons and has been able to utilize this enormous resource judiciously. Coupled with its high productivity-centric economy and
high regard for its political and economic sovereignty, China is this close to being a world power.

Enough of the rhetoric! The thought or discourse of Nigeria becoming a world power has over the years been tossed about various quarters like some smelly lingerie which no one wants to wash. It's time to reorientate our psyche. It's time to make it official! It's time to go live! We can become a world power! We shall become a world power!

I want to plead with president Muhammadu Buhari to set the ball rolling in this regard, by appointing a youthful, competent, versed and visionary individual as the Director-General of the National Orientation Agency (NOA).

This D.G shall embark on a nationwide campaign -- via various programs -- to reorientate and reschool the psyche/consciousness of the citizens of this great nation (beginning from the most impressionable
of minds - the children, to the very egocentric adults) on this novel ' Nigerian Vision' of dominating the world via our arts/culture, manpower, productivity and infrastructural development. I am quite positive that the thought of this...alone would thrill and appeal to
the impressionable mind of the young Nigerian as well as to the ego of the average Nigerian adult (who might initially be skeptical, cynical and resistant to this vision).

The sole aim of the 'Nigerian Vision' is to stir up the minds of Nigerian citizens to embrace collective productivity with the ultimate result being -- Nigeria becoming a world power. It'll work magic, I tell you!

The 'Nigerian Vision' will aid in grooming new Philip Emeagwalis, Oby Ezekwesilis, Chinua Achebes, Wole Soyinkas, Chimamanda Adichies, Fela Kutis, Bruce Onobrakpeyas etc; inventors and creative minds who will become the the driving force of thriving manufacturing industries, the power sector, the armed forces, academic institutions, to mention but a few.

The move to disseminate the 'Nigerian Vision' ethos would launched via aggressive audio/visual/print media campaigns across the nation. NOA sponsored radio jingles and TV commercials in pidgin English and our indigenous languages would go a long way to drive home this gospel according to the 'Nigerian Vision'.

Further steps would be taken to input this vision into nursery, primary and secondary school curricula via textbooks and fun educational softwares. Seminars would also be held across the nation by NOA in the aforementioned schools and also market places too;
emphasis would be made, on parents helping their wards nurture, develop and express their unique inherent skills, besides the requirements of formal academic curriculum. I believe the effect of this vision on the kids will be reminiscent of the effect of the 'win-the-war' effort....

The NOA would also collaborate with Nollywood to produce quality movies that are centred on the 'Nigerian Vision' ethos. After all, Hollywood also churn out movies that glorify the 'American Dream'.

The D.G of NOA shall then visit the NOA state offices across the federation in the first and last quarters of each year...just to personally ascertain the level of progress made in each state. At least this will make his/her office quite active, because currently the office, in my opinion, is moribund.

Of course every vision comes with its unique hurdles, but I believe such hurdles shall be scaled as regards the 'Nigerian Vision'.

Finally, I do know that if we steer our mental orientation towards making Nigeria a world power via the 'Nigerian Vision' consciousness, then we shall have a Nigeria which would command the world's respect and posterity shall honour us all. Let us play our respective roles now, while we can, because Nigeria is our collective project and world domination our vision. The bitter truth however is: some of us might not be alive when this vision fully bears its fruit. The younger generation are obviously the fortunate ones....After all, a vision fulfilled in one's life time is no longer worthy to be called a vision. God bless Nigeria! Bless!

Ebukah E. Nzeji.
Creative writer, poet, songwriter, blogger and screenwriter.


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